仁善心(1 / 1)


“Since they are so kind, sure they don't mind donating some dollars for the good course?” Lock questioned.

“that's really nice of you. All of my friends would be very thankful if they are offered a chance to show that they really care for the handicapped.” mandy bit her lips, trying hard not to laugh.

“I suddenly remember I have one or two acquaintances on the press.” Lock sneered,“they would die to see me on the move again.”

y, you will always have us.”

etting he should not have stood up and supported her weight.“I won't fall for it. they look as if worried for me but I guess they really enjoyed themselves seeing me almost crashed.”

she looked at Lock and was suddenly startled,“I was almost taken in....... I shouldn't have told them how I broke down......I would never let them receive the wrong message as if my life were a joke.”

“don't over respond.” Lock said,“they are your friends, and they showed concerns about our life. the more pathetic we look, the funnier it would be when they know what we're really like.”

“Yes, some of them did try to ruin my self-esteem and nearly convinced me to pity myself. how can one be so mean?”

Lock suggested,“I've e up with an idea. why don't we hold a party?” he hesitated,“does any of them have a family?”

“No, none of them do. people don't get married these days, I guess they are afraid to give mitments.” mandy formed a smile as though she felt sorry for her friends.

“So, that settles everything.” Lock smiled back,“we invite a bunch of kids.”

“do we know other kids besides those in oscar's kindergarten?” mandy asked.

“oh, of course we do,” announced Lock,“there are plenty of kids, Asian, Latino, and black in the children's hospital. this will be a fund -raising party for disabled children, and me as well.” Lock sat back into the wheelchair as quickly as his knees allowed to carry him, which amused mandy like hell.


